- CaliCastle/ Cali 的个人官网开源项目
- lukeed/mri Quickly scan for CLI flags and arguments
- naptha/tesseract.js Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥
- tesseract-ocr/tesseract
- sergiodxa / remix-i18next
- barelyhuman/nuxt-module-preact-islands
- remotion-dev/remotion🎥 Make videos programmatically with React
- BuilderIO/mitosisWrite components once, run everywhere. Compiles to React, Vue, Qwik, Solid, Angular, Svelte, and more.
- jacob-ebey/github-mdA markdown parser API for GitHub
- cantino/mcfly Fly through your shell history. Great Scott!
- adiathasan/nest-reactor
- steveruizok/perfect-arrows Draw perfect arrows between points and shapes.
- FormidableLabs/spectacle A React-based library for creating sleek presentations using JSX syntax that gives you the ability to live demo your code.
- picocss/pico Minimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML
- teambit/community-guides-status This repository is used to create and execute tests to validate docs workflows
- weplanx/console Console UI for weplanx devops
- unjs/unimport Unified utils for auto importing APIs in modules.
- streamich/nano-theme streamich/nano-theme
- liveblocks/liveblocks
- pruvious/pruvious A reliable CMS for your Nuxt app.
- StringKe/modern-monorepo-eslint-error
- ast-grep/ ast-grep/
- ast-grep/ @mention people in a textarea
- zu1k/good-mitm Rule-based MITM engine. Rewriting, redirecting and rejecting on HTTP(S) requests and responses, supports JavaScript.
- denoland/deno_core denoland/deno_core
- catchAdmin CatchAdmin是一款基于Laravel和Element Plus二次开发而成后台管理系统。CatchAdmin 还是采用传统的前后端。
- XUI 一个简洁而优雅的Android原生UI框架,解放你的双手!
- [RuoYi-Vue](🎉 基于SpringBoot,Spring Security,JWT,Vue & Element 的前后端分离权限管理系统,同时提供了 Vue3 的版本)
- mindquantum MindQuantum is a general software library supporting the development of applications for quantum computation.
- fire Fire框架是由中通大数据自主研发并开源的、专门用于进行Spark和Flink任务开发的大数据框架,可节约70%以上的代码